Mica Astion is a senior advisor at the PREA Resource Center (PRC) and supports the PREA audit function, including the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Online Audit System and other tools related to conducting proper audits under the PREA Standards.
In her former role as Senior Program Manager, Mica worked directly with auditors, agencies, and facilities across the nation and at all jurisdictional levels to help them understand and use PREA auditing tools most effectively to foster the reduction of sexual violence in confinement. Mica liaised with our federal partners at the US Department of Justice, working to ensure the continuous security, availability, and suitability of the audit instruments. This work allowed her to bridge her two passions: using technology to achieve social justice and bringing an end to sexual and domestic/intimate partner violence.
Mica has a Masters of Science in criminal justice and a B.A. in sociology. She has researched and written extensively for a wide variety of stakeholders in the realm of sexual violence and domestic/intimate partner violence, including for community-based advocates, law enforcement, federal agencies, research institutions, executives, and lay audiences.